The Curriculum

Our curriculum at Kings Mill is based on providing child-centred, individualised learning opportunities that is tailored to the specific needs of our pupils. We use the EQUALS Schemes of Work that responds to the needs of our pupils who are all working consistently and over time below or very near the start of the national curriculum. For our pupil’s curricula NEED to be different rather than differentiated, because the way such pupils learn is different, and often very different from neuro-typical, conventional developing learners for whom the national curriculum was designed. The curriculum is taught within a thematic context, which gives a focus each term to link work from EYFS through to Key Stage 5.
Alongside the main thematic curriculum, we also have other learning strategies for specific groups of pupils. We currently have three classes which use Applied Behavioural Analysis with pupils who are on the autistic spectrum. click here to find out more
We have three classes that follow a specific PMLD, multi-sensory curriculum and again more information can be found here
Our curriculum principles and ethos are supported by a wide range of activities which happen on and off site. Sport plays a very important role in the life of the school. All our primary, secondary and 6th form groups have access to specialist PE teaching . Pupils are encouraged to participate in a variety of events throughout the school year many of which are competitive. Each week a group of Primary age pupils go to a local farm to participate in Riding for the Disabled. The weekly sessions are now linked to an award and students achieve this at different levels.
Our students also have opportunity to participate in the Creative Arts, we have strong links with East Riding Dance. we have had their dance/drama tutors running classes in school culminating in performances taking place locally in Bridlington but also further afield in Leeds and London. Alongside the dance coaching these students also complete the Arts Award. We not only give our pupils the chance to perform themselves but also plan theatre trips and visits from travelling theatre groups to enrich our Arts education.
We have links with the Schools’ Music Service where they have delivered sessions in school to pupils. Pupils also benefit from lessons taught by our on-site specialist and work towards our participation in ‘The Big Sing’ and 'Young Voices' experiences. These are annual events for schools across the country. We also have a signing choir who meet weekly to practise popular songs and perform at school events.
Residential experiences have always been a key feature of life at Kings Mill. Trips have included the overnight Sheffield 'Young Voices' performance, our week-long Bendrigg outward bound trip, camping experiences for lower and upper school and an ERASMUS Austrian exchange for our young people at the Student Centre. For further details of these trips please see the separate link.
Breadth and Balance
It is important that the curriculum we provide is broad and balanced, however, it is essential that is wholly appropriate to the needs of each learner. Our on going assessment may point to a need for concentration and intensity in one or two particular areas for some learners for a part, and sometimes a considerable part of their time in education.
Click on the links below for more information.
In our EYFS department, we use the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework to inform and guide our delivery of the seven areas of learning. Communication, Language, Literacy, Mathematical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Understanding of the World and Creative Development.
We use the early learning outcome, Birth to Five Matters and the Cherry Garden School curriculum. The activities are differentiated to meet the individual needs of the pupils and our youngest pupils enjoy a vibrant, happy atmosphere.
The delivery of the curriculum is based around learning through play to engage children with active learning, exploration and becoming a critical thinker; with a three-year topic cycle to ensure breadth and balance across learning. We base children’s learning intentions around the outcomes in their EHCP to ensure that learning is relevant and personalised.
Our 6th form department continue with the Moving On Curriculum, a scheme of work which begins to link functional skills with real life. Each scheme of work covers three areas, World Studies, Life Skills and Vocational Studies.
Pupils also work towards NCFE functional skills qualifications and the Duke of Edinburgh award. However, in the 6th form a key focus is transition to Post 19 and a major part of the curriculum focuses on work experience and transition links.
Thematic Long term plan KS5 (6f1)
Thematic Long term plan KS5 (6f2&3)
click the link to open the PDF document in a new tab
Our Primary Curriculum is largely taken from the EQUALS schemes of work. We have ensured that our curriculum caters for all learning styles and sessions planned are closely in line with the targets and outcomes set for each child in his or her termly IEP, linked to the EHCP.
Planning follows a thematic, cross-curricular approach which includes sensory curriculum foundations. The subjects are grouped into areas, for example, 'Understanding my World' includes History, Geography and RE and Expressive Arts includes Music, Art and Drama.
There is also a ‘suitcase for life’ planning area that is for curriculum enrichment and life experiences. We are grateful to The Dales School Northallerton for sharing their successful planning model which we have adopted.
EQUALS Semi-formal Curriculum SLD/PMLD
In our Secondary department, we begin to prepare our young people for their transition to adulthood.
In Key Stage 3, the pupils continue to follow the main thematic curriculum, with the introduction of work related learning.
In Key Stage 4 students begin to use EQUALS ‘Moving On’. This is a scheme of work which begins to link functional skills with real life. Each scheme of work covers three areas, World Studies, Life Skills and Vocational Studies. Some students will complete units of Functional skills awards at Entry level.
click the links to open the PDF documents in a new tab