Butterfly Termly Focus
Termly Focus - Spring Term 2022
charlottedowson on: Butterfly Termly Focus
This term the children will be looking at the topic 'Grow it eat it'. The children will be focusing on the stories of the Hungry Caterpillar, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Enormous Turnip and many more. The children will be accessing daily free flow play indoor and outdoor along with music, dough disco, topic and sensory sessions. On a weekly basis the children will attend swimming, rebound, swing room, PE, sensory room, and forest school. We love to get messy and have fun in Butterfly class so we will also be having lots of sensory play and messy play in class linked to the topic. The children will also be eating and growing a range of food items and exploring the world using their senses. It is going to be a brilliant term
Termly Focus - Autumn Term 2021
charlottedowson on: Butterfly Termly Focus
Termly Focus - Summer Term 2021
charlottedowson on: Butterfly Termly Focus
This term we will be focusing on transport. We will be looking at different forms of transport such as cars, trains, and planes until half term. After half term we will begin to look at emergency vehicles such as ambulance and fire engine. On the week commencing 12th July we will be looking at transport around the world and traveling to different counties around the world. When the travelling to the different countries we will look at different foods and cultures. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we will complete a messy play activity. We will also be cooking in class every Friday ready for our class coffee shop on the Friday afternoon. We will also have access to the Swing room and the Rebound room. PE is every Monday this term and swimming will continue to be every Tuesday and Thursday. We look forward to a fantastic term.
Termly Focus - Spring Term 2021
charlottedowson on: Butterfly Termly Focus
Termly Focus - Autumn Term 2020
charlottedowson on: Butterfly Termly Focus
During this term we have many exciting activities planned into our topic of ‘Farm and Zoo’. The focus in literacy is to become familiar with our names and initial phonemes ‘s,a,t’ using stories, songs and games to introduce and help strengthen understanding. The children will engage with lots of messy play across the curriculum, this will help strengthen their gross motor skills and in turn help with their fine motor pencil grip. We are already enjoying circle time together listening to Dear Zoo and singing Old Macdonald and we will continue reading stories such as The Little Red Hen and Noisy Farm as a class.
In numeracy we have already started investigating numbers to 10 through listening to songs and playing with puzzles. We will continue to look at and learn our numbers throughout the term with the help of the hungry caterpillar and creative indoor and outdoor games.
During our art sessions we have begun exploring different colours as well as outside using the colour mats and chalk. We will continue to strengthen our colour recognition as well as experiment with colour mixing.
Each week we will enjoy a mixture of baking, swimming and visits to the rebound and sensory room with the addition of trips out to the park in the coming weeks. We also place a strong focus on developing each child’s gross motor skills both in the classroom and whilst visiting these other areas. We have observed that all the children are thoroughly enjoying playing outside using the bikes, slide and balancing equipment and we will continue to support the children each day to strengthen their skills whilst using these different items.
It has been a brilliant start to the year with all the children settling in nicely, we are all really looking forward to taking part in the above activities with the Butterfly class and helping them to learn.
Welcome to Kings Mill Nursery. The nursery team consists of Becky Watson (Teacher), Jenny, Hayley, Kelsie and Natasha. All members of the team work hard to offer a nurturing and supportive learning environment for the children to thrive and grow.