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Rabbit Termly Focus 


Termly Focus - Spring Term 2022

Posted: Jan 12, 2022 by: charlottedowson on: Rabbit Termly Focus

Spring Term is always an exciting time in the Rabbit classroom as the days are getting lighter and the weather is getting better. This means that we can get out and about more often and explore different places. As always, there is a big focus on teaching the children to communicate their wants and needs through their individualised programmes and interacting with all of their favourite toys and activities. We will also continue to develop the children's tolerance to various situations they will encounter in their lives - teeth brushing, showering, waiting, walking appropriately, being told no and turn taking. The children in Rabbit class will also continue to develop their independence in their life skills such as making their own toast for snack, washing up and dressing themselves. Alongside all of this the children will take part in different group activities - horse riding, baking, music, swimming, PE and literacy.
This term's topic is Growing and Changing so we will be exploring how flowers grow from seeds, decorating our own plant pot to grow cress, learning how we grow up from babies to adults, as well as exploring how our food grows.


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Welcome to Rabbits.  Our team consists of Kate Dibb (Teacher), Beth (L3 Learning Support Assistant), Debra, Heather, Mel, Yasmin and Sally (L2 LSAs).  All members of the team work hard to offer a nurturing and supportive learning environment for the children to thrive and grow.