Termly Focus - Autumn Term 2021
Posted: Sep 23, 2021
by: charlottedowson
on: Butterfly Termly Focus
Our Topic this term is 'All about me'. We will be linking this to a range of stories, linking to topic, such as Elmer the elephant and Colour monster. An example of this is how Elmer the elephant looks at being unique and how the Colour monster looks at emotions. Alongside this the children will have communication group sessions that will focus on communication activities such as pre-phonics but also their communication with others such as turn taking. Communication is worked on throughout the week but will be particularly focused upon in those sessions on a Monday.
The children will also have access to the Swing room and Rebound room. The children will also have access to swimming on a Wednesday and Thursday and PE on a Friday afternoon. We also hope to conduct a Forest school/Outdoor learning session in various settings away from school on a Wednesday morning on a group rotational basis. The children will also have class cooking sessions on a Thursday.
Within Butterfly class we are based around free flow play , combined with group work and one to one session. Our play is conducted both indoors and outdoors and is based around the key areas of development matters and Birth to five.
We look forward to a brilliant academic term.
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